RAD (Recycle a Device) is an initiative that has been helping rangatahi to develop the skills to refurbish laptops and also helps address the digital divide as the refurbished laptops are gifted to rangatahi and whānau in the community where they are repaired.
Having a laptop is critical to accessing education, services and participate in daily life, and RAD does this by encouraging kaitiakitanga. RAD sources unwanted laptops and diverts them frome-waste, rangatahi refurbish them, and then these fit-for-purpose laptops are gifted to whānau who need them most.
Tōnui Collab have partnered with (Digital Future Aotearoa) and Remojo Tech (co-creators of the RAD kaupapa), along with Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Horouta Wānanga, to bring RAD to te Tairāwhiti.
Rangatahi meet regularly to repair, refurbish, and recycle devices for our community in Te Tairāwhiti. During wānanga, rangatahi are introduced to the key parts of a device, experiment with pulling apart laptops, and learning how to use some necessary tools; they also learn about diagnostic testing to identify what is wrong with the laptops and start repairing them. Once laptops have been repaired and restored, they are gifted to those in the community that need a laptop. Organisations that have outgrown their needs from a laptop, can donate them to the RAD kaupapa.
In 2024, the RAD kaupapa is being supported by Tapuwae Roa and Gisborne District Council's Waste Minimisation Fund.
If you are interested in supporting or taking part in the RAD Club, please contact us at admin@tonuicollab.com