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TŌNUI Collab wanted to specifically address the disparity of kōhine Māori in tech, by facilitating wānanga-ā-kanohi for our kōhine throughout the year and culminating with a Kōhine Robotics Expo in Turanganui-a-Kiwa. 

In 2023, TŌNUI Collab initiated a Kōhine Robotics Kaupapa, supporting ten teams of Year 6 - 9 girls from kura across Te Tairāwhiti to experiment with VEX IQ Robotics,  develop confidence with a range of technologies, learn about study and career pathways in tech, and hear from wāhine thriving in tech.

The schools involved in 2023 were Kawakawa Mai Tawhiti, Makarika, Hatea a Rangi, Māngātuna, Whangara, Patutahi and Gisborne Intermediate (Ngā Manu a Rehua).

In 2024 the kaupapa is growing with more kura from across Te Tairāwhiti getting involved. 

TŌNUI Collab's Kōhine Robotics kaupapa is supported by The Gattung Foundation, Internet NZ, Te Runanganui o Ngati Porou,  Te Huarahi Tika Trust. The Expo was also supported by Digital Future Aotearoa, Te Hapori Matihiko, Microsoft NZ, Spark Foundation, EIT - Te Pukenga, DTTA (Digital Technology Teachers of Aotearoa) and SheSharp. 

For more information about our Kōhine Robotics programme, contact us on


466 Childers Road, Gisborne 4010 NZ


p. 0800 8 TONUI  /  0800 8 86684

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